Since 1873, the Global Elite Has Held Secret Meetings in the Ancient Redwood Forest of Northern California. Members of the so-called "Bohemian Club" Include Former Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan. The Bush Family Maintains a Strong Involvement. Each Year at Bohemian Grove, Members of This All-Male "Club" Don Red, Black and Silver Robes and Conduct an Occult Ritual Wherein They Worship a Giant Stone Owl, Sacrificing a Human Being in Effigy to What They Call the "Great Owl of Bohemia."
Founded in 1872 by 5 American men. The club lies 75 miles out of San Francisco
The grove consists of some 2700 acres of land.
Motto: "Weaving dealing spiders come not here". A phrase constructed by Shakespeare which basically means, leave your dirty business at the door.
There is a waiting list of 1,500 VIP eager to $2,500 for the "initiation fee" plus the yearly $600 bill.
The grove contains a massive pagan idol, an owl named "Molech" from the scriptures.
Woe unto America! Many of our nation's highest leaders worship Satan, and are willing servants of EVIL. They are controlled by Satan, the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Satan controls these men through the occult (i.e., "hidden" organizations). Jesus said "in secret have I done nothing" (John 18:20), because He had nothing to hide. Why the secrecy from our nation's top leaders?
Skull and Bones is of the Devil. Freemasonry is of the Devil. Nearly 2,000 carefully selected government officials, corporate tycoons and other luminaries—men with power to shape the future—assemble privately every July in a redwood forest about 65 miles north of San Francisco. The meeting includes a somber ritual that features the Druidic burning of an effigy on the alter, chants from a robed chorus, and wild drinking and promiscuity. Richard Nixon once famously described the gathering as “the most faggy G_ddamned thing you could ever imagine.”
The bizarre Pagan ritual of the Bohemian Grove—the Cremation of Care ceremony—is practiced by its members (all men), including both Presidents Bush, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Alan Greenspan, Richard M. Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Walter Cronkite, Colin Powell, and Henry Kissinger to name but a few. The meeting is held every July. It is purported that Obama and McCain visited Bohemian Grove in July of 2008.

If you're still doubting reality. The November 1989 edition of SPY magazine featured photos of Bohemian Grove men dancing around dressed up as women. The article included artist renditions of the Moloch idol and discussed how they bus in male prostitutes and how AIDS is a big problem. In July of 2004, a New York Post article reported how a top gay-porn star, Chad Savage, serviced the moguls at the Bohemian Grove. Bigwigs who have attended the two-week retreat include George H.W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Alan Greenspan, Walter Cronkite, Newt Gingrich, Alexander Haig, Jack Kemp, Henry Kissinger, Colin Powell, John Major, William F. Buckley, Justin Dart, William Randolph Hearst, Jr., Caspar Weinberger, Charles Percy, George Schultz, Edward Teller, and former C.I.A. director William Casey.
The Canaanite deity, Moloch, was worshipped in Greece, Babylon and later in Europe. It is normally symbolized by a bull or an owl, or some type of horned beast, and children are sacrificed to it. It is the precursor of all modern death cults. What purpose does this all serve, having world leaders congregate and engage in an ancient Canaanite ritual of mock child sacrifice? It is a way of binding them together.
No where is the origin of the cult more in evidence than in former German chancellor Helmut Schmidt's own autobiography, MEN IN POWERS: A POLITICAL RETROSPECTIVE. He talks about how they have their own German groves, where they do Druidic rituals, but his favorite place to do the rituals is at Bohemian Grove. This is a book you can get at the library, written by Schmidt. He talks about the Trilateral Commission, the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderberg Group and world government. He says that much of the decisions are made at the Bohemian Grove.
The CEO of IBM, Thomas J. Watson, was a member of Bohemian Grove, a position that was shared by his good friend, the fascist totalitarian leader of the Nazi regime, namely Adolf Hitler. IBM Germany (known in those days as Dehomag) was totally and utterly immersed in the Nazi war rollout. Nearly every Nazi concentration camp operated a Hollerith department known as the Hollerith Abteilung. The five-digit Hollerith number and customized punch card system devised by IBM was software programming in its earliest forms. These Hollerith machines computerized the civil and slave labour resources allowing for a streamlining of the process. These IBM leased Hollerith machines matched worker skills and locations with labour needs during the building of the Nazi war machine. The prisoner was worked until he was exhausted and then exterminated by gas or bullet. Fast forward to today. IBM Credit Corp. is funding the parent company of the Verichip, Applied Digital Solutions.
In this ceremony, a giant 40-foot OWL is worshipped, and a mock human being is sacrificed in effigy. The occult has always been synonymous with idolatry and Satanism. David Rockefeller is also a member of this Satanic group. Arnold Schwarzenegger has also attended it's meetings. Bohemian Grove is believed to be an offshoot of the Nazi based Skull and Bones (officially known as The Order Of Death)