Why do people go to church on Sunday(the first day of the week)? The fourth commandment is "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.(Exodus 20:8) The Sabbath is when the new moon comes in (starting at sundown and ending at sundown). Christ himself did not observe a holy convocation on Sunday,rather he observed the Sabbath.(see Luke 4:16)
Some would argue that the observance of Sunday worship is because Christ was ressurrected on Sunday.However, the only sign that Jesus gave that he was the Christ is Matthew 12:38-40.
If Jesus spent three days and three nights in the grave he could not have possibly died on a Good Friday and rose Easter Sunday.The notion that Jesus was resurrected on a Sunday is a fabrication that was manufactured by the Roman Catholic Church,and continues to be maintained by the majority of pseudo-Christian churches today. The truth of the matter is that Christ died on the Passover. Paul the Apostle wrote,"Jesus Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us."(see Corinthians 5:7,John 20:1-2 ,Genesis1:5, Acts 17:1-2).
So,why are the majority of self-proclaimed Christians attending church on sunday if it is not written in God's law? Today , people attend church on sunday largely due to legislation passed in the 4th century by Emperor Constantine which was championed by the Roman Catholic Church. Constatine,a Sun Worshipper, introduced legislation in March,321 A.D.
Sunday is observed as a day of worship today, not because Christ rose on sunday,but because of a decree issued by Constantine and false teachings of the Roman Catholic Church which have intoxicated the world with the wine of false doctrine.